Health Consultants

Fitness TestS

Live Demos

Get your FREE Health Screening!

Focusing on health, vitality, well being and lifestyle, this free community event aims to give its participants an overview of their present health to help make simple but informed future health decisions.

A Health Consultation
Smoothie Bowl

What to Expect

Visit the various exhibits that include Massage Therapists, Certified Holistic Nutritionists, EMTs, and so much more. Each exhibit is there to encourage your health and well-being.  As you become healthier you are able to accomplish more, you’ll feel better both physically and mentally, lose weight, reduce potential illness and generally feel more confident about yourself.

Glucose Test

Glucose Test

Food Samples

LIVE Demos

Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy

“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and Silver”


Also Enjoy…

Blood Pressure Test

Blood Pressure Test

Health Resources

Health Resources

cardiovascular fitness

Cardiovascular Fitness

Health Consultation

Health Consultations

When & Where


10AM – 4PM


2 Locations 

Marlborough Park
Community Association

6021 Madigan Dr NE


North Glenmore Park
Community Association

2231 Longridge Dr SW